Joseph and Elizabeth Bimba are a powerful Holy Spirit filled couple that we have partnered with to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Liberia and New York. We have helped them build a warehouse in liberia along with the digging of a well for the community and the start of another floor on the warehouse. They have recently moved Billy Bimba Global Gospel Ministries from Tulsa Oklahoma to New York as we continue to partner together to build Gods Kingdom.
The vision of Billy Bimba Global Ministries Inc. is to take the message of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit preach, evangelized and to disciple the nations.
Our primary missions are to:
Preach Christ crucified to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ
Reach the youth and children who are potential leaders in the kingdom
Bless every local church pastor that God will bring us in contact with
There website link is https://billybimbaglobalministries.org/: